Monday, 25 February 2008

Polls : PdL lead by 6%

Latest polls show the Pdl has a 6% lead over the Pd, with 40% and 34% of the voters.

These figures include the “coalition” parties.

Pdl along with the Lega and the Mpa

PD along with IDV and Italian Radicals

PdL (Popolo della Liberta) : People of Freedom party is the joint forces of Forza Italia (FI) and the National Alliance(AN) and the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (UDC)

MPA is the movement for Autonomy whom recently formed a pact with IdC (Italia del centro) “Italy of the centre”, a small Christian democratic Italian political party.

PD : (partita democratico) Democratic Party

IDV : (italia di valore) Italy if Values

IR : (radicali italiani) : Italian Radicals

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